We were made for Him

Here is an inspiring song that speaks of who we really are:


The song “Since your Love” by Brandon Hampton of United Pursuit includes the following words:

“And I was made by You, I was made for You, I am unfulfilled without full communion”  These words declare the truth about who we are and how we can only be completely fulfilled by being in an intimate relationship with God our real Father.  We can experience His love exactly the same as Jesus does because He is in us and we are in Jesus.  See John 17:23.   “In You, is all I need, You’re my breath, You’re my life, You’re my everything”  in the song declares that in Him we move and have our being…

We encourage you to watch the video below.  Learn more about United Pursuit


Living – Hidden in Christ

Stephen Hill, from his book: Our True Identity, An interpretation of Galatians.

The big shift happens when you realise and begin to live out of the reality that you are in Christ and He is in you.  Your life is hidden with Christ in God, so you don’t need to worry about your success or failure in living the Christian life. You cannot live the Christian life so don’t even try to.  The Christian life is lived in you, for you and through you by someone else – Jesus Christ the Son.  No one  but no one can be justified in God’s family by trying to work at it.”

Stephen Hill was born in Belfast Northern Ireland, and lived there until 2009, when he moved to New Zealand. He  now lives in Taupo with his wife Becky who is from the Bay of Plenty region of New Zealand.

He met James and Denise Jordan of father Heart Ministries in 2008. What he heard and experienced profoundly altered his understanding of Christianity.  Stephen has been with the Fatherheart Ministries team in Taupo since 2010, working closely with James and Denise Jordan and Mark Head.

See more on Stephen’s website

A reflective Quote on time

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Henri Nouwen  from his book  “Inner voice of Love”

“Its not easy to give your agenda to God.  But the more you do so, the more “clock time”  becomes “God’s time”, and God’s time is always the fullness of time”.  



Henri Nouwen was an internationally renowned priest and author, respected professor and beloved pastor who wrote 39 books on the spiritual life. He corresponded regularly in English, Dutch, German, French and Spanish with hundreds of friends and reached out to thousands through his Eucharistic celebrations, lectures and retreats. Since his death in 1996, ever-increasing numbers of readers, writers, teachers and seekers have been guided by his literary legacy. Nouwen’s books have sold over 8 million copies and been published in over 28 languages.

For more visit the Henri Nouwen Society website